Epidemiological and clinicopathological study with analysis of risk factors of oral lesions in two distinct regions of brazilian northeast


  • Antonio Ernando Carlos Ferreira Junior Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Paulo Goberlanio de Barros Silva
  • Maria Elisa Quesado Lima Verde Lima Verde
  • Fabrício Bitu Sousa
  • Mário Rogério Lima Mota
  • Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves




Epidemiology, Oral Diagnosis, Risk Factors


Introduction: Geographic variations also contribute to the appearance of some oral lesions, such as lip cancer and actinic cheilosis. However, this association may be related to habits, environmental conditions and professional occupation found in different regions. Methods: An observational, cross-sectional and quantitative study was carried out. Data was collected from clinical records and histopathological reports of patients with oral lesions served in the 14th (semiarid region) and 16th (coastal region) Regional Health Coordinations (CRES) in the state of Ceará, between August 2010 and January 2012. Results: 110 patients were collected, the majority of whom were female (64.5%) and in their sixth decade of life (25.0%). The most prevalent histopathological diagnosis was fibroepithelial hyperplasia (40.9%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma, mucocele and traumatic fibroma (8.2%). No differences in the presentation of injuries among regions were found. Exposure to factors smoking (p=0.001), alcohol (p=0.047) and sun exposure (p=0.016), besides the use of hat and lip balm (p<0.05, OR= 5.6 and 19.9, respectively) were associated with prevention of malignant and potencial malignant lesions in both regions. Conclusions: No significant differences were found in the injury profile found when comparing the two regions, coastal and semi-arid. The importance of the preventive role of wearing hats and lip balms in reducing the prevalence of malignant neoplasms is highlighted.


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Como Citar

Ferreira Junior AEC, Barros Silva PG de, Lima Verde MEQLV, Sousa FB, Mota MRL, Nunes Alves APN. Epidemiological and clinicopathological study with analysis of risk factors of oral lesions in two distinct regions of brazilian northeast. RFPP [Internet]. 25º de junho de 2024 [citado 18º de outubro de 2024];4(2). Disponível em: https://revistadeodontologia.facpp.edu.br/index.php/rfpp/article/view/112




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